Bekker的餐饮 has come from humble beginnings to become San Diego's longest established and most reliable catering and event planning company. We began as Roadside Bar BQ in 1958, as a restaurant and catering company. We moved to a larger location and reopened as Bekker's Bar BQ in 1978 to accommodate our growing catering business. 2013年,利记已经扩建了一个更大的工厂, and are fully 工作人员ed and ready to cater corporate and personal events of any size. 利记的目标是为利记的客户提供美味的饭菜, 定制的个人活动策划支持, 专业和友好的工作人员精彩的演讲, 和无与伦比的价值.
大学毕业后,参加过海军,参加过二战, 潜艇厨师戴尔·沃姆和他的妻子贝蒂, decided that they would find their next success in the barbecue business. They found property on Mission Gorge Road, an unpaved and undeveloped area of San Diego County. 在咨询了卫生部门之后, 戴尔遇到了一个小挫折——为了开一家餐馆, he needed the sewer system to be extended to reach Mission Gorge Road. Dale took the initiative and went from house to house and business to business, 收集签名,把下水道运过来. 赢得了“格兰特维尔市长”的绰号,“戴尔领导了整个格兰特维尔地区的发展. Roadside Bar BQ opened its doors in 1958 - becoming the very first restaurant on Mission Gorge Road. 戴尔和贝蒂在这里待了20年, 为发展中的利记市提供美味的烧烤, 并养育了一个家庭,他们将继承这一遗产.
In 1978, Dale and Betty's son 奥斯卡 decided that the barbecue business was also the place for him, 和他爸爸一起开了贝克烧烤吧, 沿着米逊峡谷路走三英里. The new location provided a great opportunity in which they had much more space to focus on catering. A few years later, 奥斯卡 was married, and his wife Olga joined the business. 奥尔加和奥斯卡 在这里成功工作了20多年, 让餐厅忙个不停, 并为不断壮大的利记社区提供餐饮活动. With each passing year, the business grew, and so did the reputation of Bekker的餐饮. 在养育了自己的家庭之后:劳拉, 玛拉, 和斯科特, 奥尔加和奥斯卡曾试图在2001年退休. They sold the business and spent six years travelling and enjoying their well-earned freedom.
In 2007, 女儿玛拉, 儿子斯科特和他的妻子, 珍妮花, 把退休的奥尔加和奥斯卡拉了出来, 并开始了新的冒险——西海岸烧烤和餐饮, 在美利湖大道. 在拉梅萨. As a family, they ran yet another successful restaurant for 5 years in this location. 很快, 他们发现自己的伙食需求量很大, 他们在2010年重新获得了贝克餐饮公司的所有权. 2011年,斯科特和詹妮弗迎来了他们的儿子亨利, 2013年是女儿艾米丽,2015年是宝宝蒂芙尼. 玛拉 and her husband Jonah welcomed son Mazer into the fold in 2014. 最后, after a few years of running a busy restaurant as well as a rapidly expanding catering company, the entire family decided that they were ready to focus exclusively on catering, 并于2012年出售了西海岸酒吧.
贝克餐饮- 55年的美食和服务...和计算.
Now retired, 奥斯卡 is called in only during the busiest days as the fastest carver in the west! 他也有能力看到大局, and is in charge of special projects and new ideas for the ever expanding business. 他很乐意坐下来制定新的营销策略, 或者新的利记app官网首页——只要他不需要执行它们! He now enjoys the hobbies he has put off for the over 30 years that he worked 7 days a week. 他喜欢徒步旅行。, 去健身房锻炼, 拉手风琴, 做木工, 淘金, 燧石敲击, 花园, 享受他的劳动成果. 他特别为自己的孩子感到骄傲:劳拉,一名助理. U.S. Attorney; 玛拉, a devoted mother; 和斯科特, who has taken over the catering kitchen completely and successfully. 奥斯卡 and Olga have enjoyed travelling more as their children have grown into handling the day to day responsibilities. They have recently toured almost every country in Europe through a few extended journeys. 每到一个新的国家, they put a new set of ethnic menus on the catering list with the recipes they collect on their travels!
指导和继承家族遗产超过30年, 奥尔加是一个完美的专业领导者. 领导这家价值数百万美元的公司, you will also find her planning the minute details of complicated events, 建立巨大的, 艺术水果展示, 为一千名客人切牛肉, 把桌子装到卡车上. 她既是老板又是50多名员工的母亲, 培训, 导演, perfecting and encouraging each person to excel to new heights every day. 每个工作人员都成为她的家庭成员, and each is valued for both adherence to our high standards of customer service, 以及他或她为贝克团队带来的独特品质.
出生在纽约, 然后搬到波卡特罗, 从小学到高中, Olga has a unique view of the world from both big city and small town perspectives. 总是一个优等生, 她在她的音乐领域获得了许多奖项, 演讲, 跳舞, 代理, 导演, 领导力与学术. She graduated from Pomona College in 1977 - BA in Theatre Arts; Acting, 导演与设计, 和加州州立大学, Fullerton; Teaching Credential. After a short career in teaching, she discovered her forte in sales upon working in a shoe store. By age 22, she opened her first entrepreneurial venture - a ladies fashion shoe store. 几年内, it became a chain of 5 stores and then she married the owner of the neighboring business - 奥斯卡 at Bekker's BBQ. 五家鞋店, 一家餐馆和餐饮企业, 很快就有三个孩子, 对一个新家庭来说太多了吗, so the shoe stores were sold in favor of the family restaurant business. 几年后, 奥斯卡 and Olga recognized the potential of the catering side of their business, 并最终淘汰了这家餐厅, 通过努力工作和决心, 餐饮业每年都在突飞猛进地发展.
Olga draws on her theatre background to make every catered event a show deserving of a standing ovation. 现在是奶奶了, Olga still has the boundless energy and enthusiasm to keep every event new, 新鲜的, 美味的, 让她所有的客户都无忧无虑. Olga is very proud and lucky to have her children and 孙子 working side by side in the family business, 训练他们完成家族的使命. 奥尔加也有很多业余爱好, and spends her minimal spare time volunteering and serving on executive boards of many charitable organizations. 在她短暂的退休生涯中, Olga wrote and directed a touring musical theatre production entitled "Sentimental Journey." She also spent a few years as a travel agent and furniture salesperson. 她最大的快乐是她的丈夫, 奥斯卡, 她所有的孩子, 孙子, 工作人员, 朋友, 四代客户.
Scott Worm -行政总厨 & 公司副总裁
Scott Worm was born an entrepreneur, and has had a keen eye for business since childhood. 他在学校一直表现优异, 专心学习, 美国未来农民俱乐部, 足球和摔跤. 他一学会走路就开始为家族企业工作! 总是一个有严肃意图的人, he met his wife 珍妮花 2003年,他还在埃尔卡皮坦高中上学. Scott saved his money diligently, and was able to purchase his first home in Austin, 2005年的TX. 然后他和詹妮弗搬到了奥斯汀, 他上了大学,在一家大型设备公司工作, 从仓库员工迅速晋升为销售人员. 2008年,斯科特和詹妮弗搬回了利记, 开始在利记以前的餐厅——西海岸烧烤店工作, 斯科特终于向她求婚了! 斯科特于2009年成为贝克餐饮公司的行政总厨, 最后允许他的父亲奥斯卡退休! 珍妮花 和斯科特 were married in 2009, and purchased a home in San Diego. 他们迎来了第一个孩子, 亨利于2011年出生, 美丽的女儿艾米丽, 还有2015年的宝宝蒂芙尼. 在他最少的空闲时间里, 斯科特喜欢自制精酿啤酒的艺术, 美食, 园艺和花时间与他的家人和狗. He and 珍妮花 enjoy travelling and experiencing cuisines from around the world, 这是最好的研究 & 发展!
珍妮花 Worm -首席财务官 & 人力资源总监
Though she may not have known it, 珍妮花 was born a member of our family. 她遇到了她的丈夫, 利记的行政总厨Scott, 2003年,他还在埃尔卡皮坦高中上学, 这是命中注定的. 珍妮花 worked at Washington Mutual Bank where she learned many of the skills she would later use as our Chief Financial Officer. 高中毕业后, 斯科特和詹妮弗在奥斯汀买了他们的第一套房子, 2005年的TX, 詹妮弗在大学期间继续在银行工作. They returned to California in 2008, 斯科特终于向她求婚了! 在格罗斯蒙特学院学习会计和商业时, 詹妮弗也在利记以前的餐厅工作过, 西海岸烧烤的女主人, 服务器, 和簿记员. 他们于2009年结婚, 欢迎小亨利, 2011年加入这个家庭, 2013年美丽的艾米丽, 和小蒂芙尼. 詹妮弗可能很安静,但那只是因为她太忙了! When she isn't handling the finances, she is booking parties, and taking care of deliveries. She manages to keep our employees and suppliers happy by handling payroll and business accounts, 同时还要照顾两个年幼的孩子. 在她的空闲时间詹妮弗喜欢花时间与她的家人, 阅读, 烹饪和在Pinterest上寻找有趣的项目.
圣迭戈市Mission Gorge路7455号,加州92120